Tiffany Alexander
Culture Shock
​There were many things about the culture in Grenada that shocked me, in a good way of course. Experiencing culture shock simply means that I was learning something new and seeing something that I have never experienced before. I was widening my horizons and gaining knowledge and unique experiences. One thing during the trip that always caught my eye was that the colors of the Grenadian flag can be found everywhere. Whether it was on building, rocks or trees, there was no denying that Grenadians are proud of their culture. However, the picture on the left took it a step further. At first glance I thought I was simply looking at colorful tires. I soon learned that one man put that beautiful display together to stop soil erosion! If you are not aware by now, Grenada is also known for its nutmeg, and no part of the fruit goes to waste. The red part on the inside of the nutmeg that covers the seed is called mace which can be turned into a spice, or even used to make lipstick! If there is one thing that shocked me about the culture of Grenada, it is about the creativity and sustainability that is prevalent there.